I will not deny that this post is created under the inspiration of another experience that I gain by helping young entrepreneurs.Sooner or later, after months, or after a month of work on your product or service comes to the verification process, which is an essential element in developing the business concept.
The collision with the real customer as a result of actual orders is quite an experience for those involved with spiked earlier hypotheses about the customer, the market, the process of delivering a product to market.
Our idea, guess need to check to find out if we understand the sales process and acquire users. What’s more, to be convinced that the process is repeatable. Business is nothing like finding these profitable repeatable processes. The mere hypotheses, it is not enough. The need to carry out tests sales channels and distribution. Convert the margins on the sale to make sure that the current group of customers and users of our proposal will allow us in the future to develop a profitable business.
To sum up, the philosophy of verification market also includes a test of the whole business model made so far, the verification market by the sale of a test by carrying out all sorts of experiments, quantitative, which will give the answer whether the specification of the product or service is sufficient for the recipient, in the future could be allocate to engage more and higher expenses related to sales and marketing.
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